Friday, November 2, 2012

Group Project Super Hero Creations

We have a group project for class to teach 8th graders new media and how to implement it in constructive ways. We chose a super hero creator for the students to utilize so they can develop a super hero or villain. Create a scenario for the characters to be in. To create a story line for the new characters to exist. This is to develop creative writing skills in an interesting way.

Height: 5’ 10’
Weight: 185lbs
Mission: To stop monetary waste, and find best investments for every single cent to grow from which in turn helps to create good jobs, and give people the financial security and freedom they may choose to have.
Weakness: High interest rate credit cards, loans from China, Big Government wasteful spending, the sight of burning or wasting money make him weak and vulnerable to attack.
Strengths: High closes on Wall Street, Strong Dollar, Good Investments
Story Example:
A villain is burning money that he just robbed from a bank! Financio is getting weaker. He is almost too weak to fight! Quick read him the closing numbers on Wall Street for today because it’s up 200 points!
Finacio’s strength returns and he stops the bank robbers from burning the money. He captures them and returns the remaining money to the bank. Financio tells the bank owner how to safely invest in two upstart companies in need of a loan. Two weeks later four hundred people are hired at the new upstart companies. Now they can feed their families and pay for their kids to go to college! Thanks Financio!

Height: 5’
Weight: 500 lbs
Unusual muscle density gives his short stature great weight.
Only person born on planet Jupiter. Parents were stranded there for fifteen years. They were smashed by their own weight under the gravitational pull of Jupiter. Their son Girth was unaffected and rescued years after his parents had past. On Earth Girth is very strong and his bones are stronger than titanium.
Weakness: eyesight


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