Thursday, September 27, 2012

Project Poem

Start at The End
A thousand thoughts threaded through the theory
Winters wild winding wind weaves one weary
All aware unfair without care they dare
Gather to speak what needs to be spoken
Awaken the weak grow strong once woken
Troubling time tunnels turning churning soil
Cool fresh water springs, freeze up, and then boil
Suffering defeat, at feat, vipers coil
Gone and Never to be heard from again
Searching for kindness and only find sin
To start at the end is where to begin
But all have left and forgotten what’s right
Cowardly fools their eyes see without sight
And run to darkness to hide from the light


Mow lawn, get mail, take out trash, write poem

The Clock tick tock in the corner tock tick

Feed Kids, change baby, wash clothes, write poem

The clock tick tock in the corner tock tick

Clutter on the island, Dishes fill sink

Six trash cans sit in the hot sun and stink

Weeds grow high in vegetable garden

Aging man feels his arteries harden

Try to get it all done, impossible

The Clock tick tock in the corner tock tick

Chased every moment, throughout the days and nights

The Clock tick tock in the corner tock tick

So much to get done, to get through the day

And when it is all finished, write a poem

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